Small Businesses

30 hours / per month
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marketing services
$3,500 +GST
*Available on 6 month plans
Our Essential Marketing package is ideal for Start Ups and Small Businesses who are time poor and looking to kick start or brush up their marketing.
The Essentials package will generally include the following as an example of how the hours can be utilised.
- 1hr online monthly meeting for general marketing advice
- 1x article written and published to website per month
- 2x social media posts per week – includes copywriting, graphic design & publishing
- 1x email campaign or newsletter per month
- 1x piece of marketing collateral (I.E. Brochure) – includes up to 8 pages of copywriting and design
- 1 x PPC ad (i.e LinkedIn, Google) campaign set up – includes copywriting, graphic design & publishing
- Email support
We provide you with a marketing department, overseen by a dedicated marketing manager who will consult with you on your marketing strategy and oversee the implementation of your marketing initiatives.
We are remotely based and keep in touch via email, telephone and scheduled online meetings.
Our outsourced marketing department can act as your stand alone marketing resource or integrate seamlessly with your existing team to provide a range of services which include marketing planning, copywriting, graphic design, web development and social media activities.


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